
Showing posts from 2019

Hello Spring! Hello Festival Fling!

TRENDING NOW Let's put up the bling and get into the festival fling! Going to festivals are one of our favorite pastimes at BBV so let's take a look back in time and see what we can predict for this seasons trendy vintage wear! Here is a sneak peek at what's trending on our website. MERCK MOUNTAIN JAM 2019 This year we were excited to be a part of the Merck Mountain festival on April 19th & 20th. We weren't able to vend due to the weather, but we plan to do the fall festival. There were 2 days filled with awesome bands, the best BBQ and of course hanging out with the best crowd: the Merck Tribe. If you haven't heard, the event was held to raise money for an amazing cause: Helping Hands of Clemson! If you would like to know more about the next festival, follow @merckmtn on IG. You can also check them out on Facebook here for future events: Merck Mountain Events Check out some of the fun pics from the event